How to install BlueGriffon on Linux Mint


It is observed that there is no proper Web editor  in the Mint Package manager.Therefore we will have to select a Web editor that can be installed on Linux. The BlueGriffon is a popular Web Editor that is based  on the rendering engine of Firefox.

First the latest BlueGriffon tar.gz file has to be downloaded from

Extract the bluegriffon-1.7.2.Ubuntu13.04.x86_64.tar.bz2 file to the home directory of your computer.

Then the extracted folder is “bluegriffon”

Go to the “bluegriffon” folder

and find the file called bluegriffon ;
right click the mouse;properties>Open With>add> and chose Firefox Web Browser and close


Creating a start up icon for  bluegriffon

Open “Main  Menu” software in the Application menu ;Under Internet Add new item

Then,In the Create Launcher menu ,browse and select the bluegriffon file in the bluegriffon folder in the home directory.

Now the start up icon is added to the Application menu.


Web links such as “web site” ,”User’s Community” etc may not work in the help menu of blugriffon until the “open with application” is specified.

To activate sub menus of Help menu locate firefox at usr/bin/firefox.


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